Tuesday 24 July 2012

“Broaden Your Circle of Friends” - Professor M.S.Rao

“Success is a six step process of connecting, communicating, understanding, networking, synergizing, and accomplishing the desired outcomes.” – Professor M.S.Rao

Students must learn to network with others to enhance their knowledge levels and find more opportunities. Those who go alone miss many opportunities while those who go along with others will find ample of opportunities in every aspect of life. By networking with others they get to know what is happening in this world and develop awareness about career opportunities.

Why do only a few people succeed while the majority fails in their lives? One of the major reasons is lack of connections with the right people at the right time.  Whether you are in the film industry or IT sector or any industry, having connections will help others understand your strengths and approach you when they need specific strengths thus finding opportunities finally. Research shows that 85 per cent of the job vacancies are filled through network leaving a very few 15 per cent being advertised in the newspapers. It shows clearly the importance of connections.  Those who have vast connections will reap rewards within a short time. In addition, in the corporate world there is referral recruitment where the working employees can refer their known people to their employers as they know the skills and competencies the people possess within their known circle.  It works in two ways as the company minimizes its costs through time and money and the employee is also happy as he is able to help his known circle of friends. The employee who refers the prospective job aspirant to the employer will also get an incentive.  Therefore, there are lots of advantages in having connections and broadening the circle of friends. If a drop of rain falls into an ocean it gets merged into it whereas the same raindrop falls into a shell it becomes a pearl. Therefore, in real life also, there are many people who don’t find opportunities due to lack of network. 

Remember that in this networked world connections make a huge difference. Success comes only when the right person is in the right place and at the right time, and that happens only through network.  To conclude, success is all about hard work, smart work and network.  Hence, broaden your circle of friends to find more opportunities and achieve quick success.

"We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men; and among those fibers, as sympathetic threads, our actions run as causes, and they come back to us as effects." - Herman Melville

Born for the Students

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